What Is the WUVISAAFT Charge on Bank Statement?


What Is the WUVISAAFT Charge on Bank Statement

The WUVISAAFT charge on your bank statement originates from transactions made via Western Union using a Visa card. It’s a fee applied by Western Union for processing these transactions. The charge may vary depending on factors like the transaction amount and destination country.

When you see the WUVISAAFT charge, it signifies a legitimate transaction through Western Union. This charge ensures the smooth processing of your money transfer using your Visa card. It’s a standard practice in the financial services industry.


The abbreviation WUVISAAFT stands for Western Union Visa Acquirer Fee Transaction. It appears on bank statements for transactions made through Western Union using a Visa card. This charge reflects the fee incurred by Western Union for processing transactions.

WUVISAAFT is not a scam or fraudulent activity; it is a legitimate fee disclosed in Western Union’s terms and conditions. The charge varies based on factors like transaction amount and destination country, typically ranging from $0.50 to $10.

To avoid the WUVISAAFT charge, consider using alternative payment methods such as bank transfers or cash. However, it’s essential to understand the fee structure of any money transfer service before initiating a transaction.

Why Is the WUVISAAFT Charge on Your Bank Statement?

The “WUVISAAFT” charge on your bank statement originates from transactions made through Western Union using a Visa card. It represents fees associated with currency exchange and fund transfers. This charge may vary depending on the transaction amount and destination country.

Western Union collaborates with Visa to facilitate secure and convenient financial transactions globally. The “WUVISAAFT” charge is a legitimate fee reflecting the use of Western Union services with a Visa card. It’s essential to review your bank statement regularly to understand and manage such charges effectively.

To avoid unexpected charges, consider conducting transactions through affiliated banks instead of solely relying on Western Union. Stay informed about your finances by setting up alerts for each transaction and monitoring your bank balance regularly. By understanding and managing the “WUVISAAFT” charge, you can navigate your financial transactions more confidently.

Is WUVISAAFT Charge Scam or Fraudulent?

The WUVISAAFT charge may seem suspicious, but it’s not necessarily a scam or fraudulent. It’s a legitimate fee associated with Western Union transactions. Understanding the charge’s origin can help clear up any doubts.

If you didn’t authorize the WUVISAAFT charge, it’s essential to take action promptly. Contact your credit card issuer to report the unauthorized transaction and initiate a dispute. Swift response can help protect your financial security.

In conclusion, while the WUVISAAFT charge may raise concerns, it’s typically legitimate. However, if you suspect fraud, don’t hesitate to act swiftly to safeguard your finances.


Decoding the charge code “WUVISAAFT” can seem daunting, but it’s simpler than it appears.

  • “WUVISAAFT” stands for Western Union Visa Credit Account Funding Transaction.
  • This code appears on your bank statement when you use your Visa card for transactions with Western Union.
  • Understanding this code helps clarify the origin of certain charges on your statement.

Breaking down the components of “WUVISAAFT” reveals its meaning and significance.

  • “WU” represents Western Union, a global financial service provider.
  • “VISA” indicates transactions made using a Visa credit card.
  • “AFT” signifies an Account Funding Transaction, denoting the transfer of funds through Western Union.

Knowing how the “WUVISAAFT” charge appears on your bank statement empowers you to understand your financial transactions better.

  • Variations of this code may include additional details such as customer care numbers or descriptors like “WU Pay” or “WU Transfer.”
  • Regularly reviewing your bank statements ensures you can identify and reconcile charges effectively.
  • By comprehending the “WUVISAAFT” charge, you can manage your finances with confidence and clarity.

What should you do when seeing a WUVISAAFT charge in your bank statement?

What should you do when seeing a WUVISAAFT charge in your bank statement

When spotting a WUVISAAFT charge on your bank statement, it’s essential to verify its legitimacy. You can do this by checking if you conducted any transactions through Western Union using a Visa card. If the charge seems unfamiliar or unauthorized, promptly contact your bank to report and investigate the issue.

Ensure to review your transaction history thoroughly to confirm whether you authorized the WUVISAAFT charge. Look for any transactions associated with Western Union or involving your Visa card. If you find any discrepancies or unauthorized transactions, take immediate action to protect your financial security.

If you’re unsure about a WUVISAAFT charge, reach out to Western Union’s customer care at 800-325-6000 for assistance. They can provide clarification on any transactions made through their platform and help resolve any concerns you may have about the charge on your bank statement.

How to Protect Against Wrong WUVISAAFT Bank Charges?

To avoid incorrect WUVISAAFT bank charges, monitor your bank statements regularly. Check for any unfamiliar charges, especially those labeled with merchant codes like “WUVISAAFT.” Utilize online banking or mobile apps provided by your bank, such as Bank of America, to review transactions promptly.

When conducting transactions through remittance services like Remitly, double-check the details before finalizing the transfer. Ensure the recipient’s information is accurate, and verify the transaction amount to prevent any discrepancies. Taking these precautions can help prevent erroneous charges from appearing on your bank statement.

Stay vigilant against potential scams or unauthorized transactions.Be cautious when sharing your financial information online and avoid clicking on suspicious links or emails.By staying proactive and aware, you can protect yourself against incorrect charges and maintain the security of your financial accounts.

Why does Western Union charge this fee?

Western Union charges this fee to cover the costs of processing transactions and maintaining its global network. This fee ensures that Western Union can continue providing its services efficiently and securely. It helps cover expenses related to currency exchange and fund transfers.

The fee may also vary depending on factors such as the amount of the transaction and the destination country. Western Union’s website states that the fee can range from $0.50 to $10. It’s typically around 1% of the total transaction amount.

If you encounter unexpected charges, such as Western Union taking money twice or exceeding defined transaction limits, it’s essential to contact their customer service immediately. Resolving such issues promptly can prevent further complications and ensure the smooth processing of transactions in the future.

Is the WUVISAAFT charge the same for all transactions?

Is the WUVISAAFT charge the same for all transactions

Western Union applies the WUVISAAFT charge to transactions involving Visa cards. The charge varies based on transaction amount and destination country. It ranges from $0.50 to $10, typically around 1% of the total transaction amount.

The WUVISAAFT charge is not refundable in most cases. However, if there’s an error or duplicate charge, contacting Western Union’s customer service is advisable. They can assist in resolving the issue and potentially refunding the excess charge.

It’s important to note that other money transfer services may also levy similar fees for Visa card transactions. Reviewing the terms and conditions of any service before transacting is recommended to understand potential fees involved.

Can I avoid the WUVISAAFT charge?

Western Union may charge you twice for the same transaction. This could lead to an unexpected WUVISAAFT charge on your bank statement. To avoid this, always double-check your transaction history.

Avoiding the WUVISAAFT charge is not possible while using Western Union with your Visa card. However, you can opt for alternative payment methods to circumvent incurring this fee. Bank transfers or cash transactions can be viable options to avoid the WUVISAAFT charge.


Is the WUVISAAFT charge refundable?

The WUVISAAFT charge from Western Union may not be refundable in most cases. It’s essential to understand that once the transaction is processed, it’s challenging to reverse. However, if there’s an error or unauthorized charge, contacting your bank for a chargeback might be an option.

When it comes to the WUVISAAFT charge, it’s crucial to check your bank statement regularly. This helps in identifying any discrepancies or unauthorized charges promptly. Monitoring your transactions can prevent potential issues and ensure your financial security.

In case you encounter an unexpected WUVISAAFT charge, contacting your bank to initiate a chargeback process is advisable. This can help resolve any disputes and potentially recover the amount in question.

Is Western Union the only money transfer service that charges this fee?

Is Western Union the only money transfer service that charges this fee

Western Union isn’t the sole money transfer service imposing this fee. Chargeback from Western Union might incur it. Other services may charge similar fees. The WUVISAAFT charge reflects processing costs.

Transaction fees aren’t exclusive to Western Union. Chargebacks could trigger this charge. Similar fees exist with other transfer services. WUVISAAFT reflects processing expenses.

Western Union isn’t alone in applying this fee. Chargebacks with Western Union may result in it. Comparable fees are common among other transfer services. WUVISAAFT denotes processing charges.

What should I do if I don’t recognize the WUVISAAFT charge on my bank statement?

If you come across the “WUVISAAFT” charge on your bank statement and don’t recognize it, take immediate action. Check your recent transactions to confirm if you authorized the charge. Contact your bank or Western Union’s customer service for clarification. Ensure to monitor your bank statements regularly to detect any unfamiliar charges promptly.

When faced with an unfamiliar charge like “WUVISAAFT,” it’s essential to address it promptly. One option is to reach out to Western Union’s customer service for assistance. Additionally, consider reviewing your transaction history to identify any unauthorized transactions. Taking proactive steps can help safeguard your financial security.

Why does the “WUVISAAFT” charge appear on my bank statement?

The appearance of the “WUVISAAFT” charge on your bank statement is due to your use of Western Union with a Visa card. It’s a legitimate fee associated with these transactions. Western Union charges fees for its services, including currency exchange and fund transfers.

When you conduct a transaction through Western Union using a Visa card, the “WUVISAAFT” charge may show up on your bank statement. This charge reflects the amount of the transaction and any associated fees. It’s a common occurrence for individuals who utilize Western Union’s services for financial transactions.

What does square charges fees mean on bank statements   

Square charges fees on bank statements refer to the costs incurred for using Square, a popular payment processing platform. These fees are applied when businesses or individuals use Square’s services to accept payments, such as credit card transactions. The charges typically include a percentage of the transaction amount plus a fixed fee per transaction.

How to Avoid “wuvisaaft” Bank Charges  

To steer clear of “wuvisaaft” bank charges, opt for conducting transactions through your bank’s affiliated channels. Regularly review your bank statements for unexpected charges or discrepancies. Utilize available alert systems to stay informed about any unusual activity in your account.

Ensure you understand how the “wuvisaaft” charge may appear on your bank statement. Familiarize yourself with common transaction names associated with Western Union transactions. Take proactive steps to minimize unnecessary transactions and avoid incurring additional charges.

Conduct transactions through your bank

Conducting transactions through your bank instead of relying solely on Western Union can help minimize additional charges on your bank statement. By utilizing affiliated banks for transactions, you can avoid encountering unexpected fees like the WUVISAAFT charge.

Regularly reviewing all your transactions and verifying your bank balance after each transaction is crucial. This practice ensures that the correct amount is debited from your account, reducing the likelihood of encountering unfamiliar charges.

Regularly review charges

Regularly reviewing charges on your bank statement is essential. It helps you track your spending and detect any unauthorized transactions quickly. By checking your statements frequently, you can ensure that all charges are accurate.

Setting up alerts for each transaction is a smart move. This way, you’ll receive notifications whenever there’s activity on your account. Alerts can help you stay informed and take immediate action if something seems suspicious.

Set up alerts

To stay informed about your bank transactions, consider setting up alerts.These notifications help you track your spending and detect any unusual activity.By receiving alerts, you can promptly address any unauthorized charges and safeguard your finances.

Utilize bank alerts to monitor your transactions effectively.These notifications provide real-time updates on account activity.Stay proactive in managing your finances and prevent unauthorized charges.

Minimize unnecessary transactions

Minimizing unnecessary transactions can help you manage your finances more effectively. By limiting unnecessary spending, you can save money for important expenses. Reviewing your purchases regularly can help you identify areas where you can cut back.

It’s important to monitor your bank statements regularly to keep track of your spending habits. Setting up alerts for each transaction can help you stay informed about your financial activity. By staying vigilant, you can avoid unexpected charges and maintain control over your finances.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “WUVISAAFT” stand for on my bank statement?

WUVISAAFT” on your bank statement stands for Western Union Visa Acquirer Fee Transaction.”

Is Western Union the only money transfer service that charges this fee?

No, other money transfer services may also charge a similar fee for using a Visa card.

How can I protect against wrong WUVISAAFT bank charges?

To protect against wrong WUVISAAFT bank charges, regularly review your transactions, set up alerts, and minimize unnecessary transactions.

How much does Western Union charge to send $500 dollars?

The fee charged by Western Union to send $500 dollars varies depending on factors such as the destination and the method of transfer.

Can someone send money from Western Union to my bank account?

Yes, someone can send money from Western Union to your bank account, but there may be fees and processing times associated with the transfer.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the WUVISAAFT charge on your bank statement is crucial for managing your finances wisely. It stands for “Western Union Visa Acquirer Fee Transaction,” indicating fees for using Western Union with a Visa card. While it may seem unfamiliar at first, it’s a legitimate charge associated with money transfers.

To avoid surprises, regularly review your bank statements and be mindful of your transaction history. Protect yourself by setting up alerts for each transaction and minimizing unnecessary spending. While Western Union is not the only service to charge such fees, staying informed empowers you to make smarter financial decisions.

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