How to Easily Get a Birth Certificate Reference Number in the UK?


How to Easily Get a Birth Certificate Reference Number in the UK?

Ever needed your UK birth certificate reference number for something important like a passport or legal document, but had no clue how to get it when living abroad? As a US resident, getting official UK documents can feel like a bureaucratic nightmare.

But don’t worry, this guide will walk you through the simple steps to obtain that all-important reference number quickly and hassle-free.

What is a Birth Certificate Reference Number?

A Birth Certificate Reference Number (BCRN) is a unique identifier assigned to every birth record in the United Kingdom. It’s a combination of letters and numbers that helps locate and verify a specific birth certificate in the national records database maintained by the General Register Office (GRO).

Having your BCRN is crucial for:

  • Proving your identity for passports, banking, school enrollment, etc.
  • Accessing legal documents like marriage licenses
  • Genealogy research to trace your family history
  • Preventing fraud by confirming you are the person named on the certificate

It’s an essential piece of information that’s quite different from your National Insurance number used for taxes and government services.

Where to Find Your BCRN on an Existing Birth Certificate?

Where to Find Your BCRN on an Existing Birth Certificate?

If you already have a copy of your UK birth certificate, finding the BCRN is straightforward. It will be printed on the top right-hand corner of the document, appearing as a long string of letters and numbers above the registration details.

For example:

Copy codeBCRN: AB123456C
Registration Number: ABC/DEF/2002
Registration Date: 01/01/2002

The same BCRN should also be included on any digital or certified copies obtained from the GRO. However, if for some reason you cannot locate the number on your certificate, don’t panic! There are simple ways to get it replaced.

Get a Replacement Birth Certificate (And BCRN) Online

The easiest option is to order a brand new certified copy of your birth certificate from the official General Register Office website. This replacement will have your BCRN clearly listed.

Here are the key steps:

  1. Search the GRO indexes for your birth record details like name, year, location, etc.
  2. Place your order online and make a secure payment (currently £11 in the UK)
  3. Wait for delivery of the certified certificate copy displaying your BCRN

Processing times can take 3-5 business days currently, plus shipping time depending on your location in the US. But it’s a straightforward process that can be completed fully online.

Alternate Ways to Obtain Your BCRN (For Extra Assurance)

While ordering a replacement birth certificate is likely the fastest way, there are a couple other routes you can take:

Contact the GRO Directly

Local Register Office Lookup

  • The register office where your birth was originally registered may be able to assist
  • They can search archived records and supply the BCRN directly
  • May require visiting in-person or booking an appointment

Hire a Professional Lookup/Expediting Service

  • Third-party services can research and retrieve your BCRN for a fee
  • Useful if GRO requests are delayed or you need the number urgently
  • Do your diligence on reputable, secure services before providing info

“I tried multiple ways to get my son’s BCRN and finally the local registrar’s office came through after some digging into archived records.” – Sarah M.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Public Search Sites

In your quest for your BCRN, you may come across websites claiming to lookup birth certificate numbers and details. However, it’s strongly advised to avoid these kinds of public search sites for a few key reasons:

  1. Privacy Concerns – Providing sensitive personal info to unknown sources is risky
  2. Inaccurate Data – These sites may have outdated/incomplete records
  3. Official Sources are Most Reliable – Go straight to GRO for authoritative info

Your BCRN is a vital part of your identity documentation protecting it is paramount. Stick to trusted government sources to access this sensitive code properly.

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Typical BCRN Format and Elements to Expect

Typical BCRN Format and Elements to Expect

Once you successfully obtain your birth certificate reference number, you may wonder – what do all these letters and numbers actually mean? While the exact format can vary slightly by region and year, BCRNs generally follow this structure:



  • AA = Area code based on registration district
  • BBBB = Year of registration
  • CCCCC = Unique reference numbers for that year
  • D = Computer check digit for verification

So a BCRN like “ME198312345A” denotes an individual born in the Medway district in 1983, with a specific reference sequence and a final check digit.

It’s essential your BCRN contains all required elements and formatting to be valid. If it seems incomplete or incorrect, double check with the issuing authority right away.

Store it Safely Like Other Vital Records

After going through the process to get your birth certificate reference number, the final important step is keeping it secure! Your BCRN is a powerful piece of personal data and safeguarding it like other vital records is a must:

Smart Storage Ideas:

  • Store physical copies in a fireproof safe or lockbox
  • Password protect digital files containing the number
  • Use encrypted cloud backup for extra security
  • Memorize the BCRN just in case!

When You May Need It:

  • Applying for immigration/citizenship documents
  • Enrolling in US school/university as an international student
  • Accessing certain banking services as a foreign customer
  • Registering property or large investments in the UK
  • Obtaining legal name changes, birth record amendments, etc.

Your birth certificate reference number is arguably one of the most important codes you’ll have in your lifetime. Take adequate precautions to protect it, while also keeping it readily available when those key identification moments inevitably arrive.


Getting your hands on a UK birth certificate reference number while living abroad is easier than you think. By directly utilizing the official UK record sources or getting a replacement certificate, you can access this vital identifier quickly and be prepared for any scenario requiring proof of birth details – no more stressing!

Just follow the simple steps outlined here:

  1. Order a new certified birth certificate copy via the GRO website
  2. Or contact the GRO, local registrar, or professional service for a lookup
  3. Locate the full BCRN on the certificate using the proper format
  4. Store it securely but have it ready for future identification needs

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